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Monomania, Obsession, and Idee Fixe

​We live in an obsessive world.  


Extreme focus and dedication to education, work, science, and even love is highly valued.  The very people we idolize epitomize monomania: dedicated scientists who work tirelessly until they have "cracked the code", never-weary politicians who work hundred hour weeks, passionate lovers who live only for each other, and brilliant musicians who get their "big break" after years of poverty and hard work.  

But there's a cost. 

Obsession with a single idea, even the most worthy goal, doesn't leave room for other important things.  When we focus primarily on building a product, producing a song, unveiling an equation, or satisfying a lover...we neglect everything else.  Obsession actively fights against balance.  Is there a way, in our obsessive culture, to find balance?


Are happiness and passion possible in a balanced life?

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